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get involved

Photo of a carer and a small girl in her wheelchair on one of our adapted carriages being driven by Coach Stephie White

we love your feedback!

We would love to hear your thoughts on the activities you've taken part in at Chariots; not only does this help us tailor our lessons and events, it's vital for the work we do with our clients who have additional needs


Whether you're a rider, driver or carer - if you have a question, a comment, or a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you

Photo of around 30 competitors, coaches and volunteers celebrating in the yard after a successful competition


Are you passionate about horses or helping your local community?

We're lucky to have an amazing team of volunteers, who help with everything from vehicle maintenance to shovelling wood shavings and stewarding our events. If you'd like to get involved, then get in touch!

Photo of Coach Alicia Fraser, her son, and Groom Carolyn Fraser in fancy dress at our barn dance

other ways to get involved


For all the latest news (and pics of our fabulous ponies) plus details of our competitions and ways in which you can support our fundraising events, subscribe to our e-newsletter


If you're looking for the perfect gift, why not visit our online store where you can browse our brand new Adoption Packs and Gift Vouchers


T​o make a donation towards the upkeep and care of our ponies, please do use our secure localgiving  form

Pushed for time but still want to support our work? There are lots of ways to get involved

thank you!

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